We will exercise proper care in the appointment and selection of trustees and those who will work with
children or adults at risk within the Church, whether paid, volunteers, lay or ordained. We will ensure that
trustees, staff and volunteers are suitable and legally able to act in their positions. We will use DBS/PVG
checks as part of a wide range of checks on trustees, staff and volunteers to ensure that we have a broad
and informed view to assist us in minimising the risk of abuse, harm or neglect.
We will support, supervise, resource and train all those who undertake work with children and adults in
need of protection.
We will respond without delay to every concern, incident or complaint which suggests that a child or adult
has been harmed, or is at risk of harm and cooperate with ecumenical partners, the Police, DO (the
Designated Officer, formerly known as LADO), Local Safeguarding Boards (in Wales), Children’s
Partnership Boards (formally Local Safeguarding Children’s Boards) and Children’s and Adult Social Care
Services in any investigation, while maintaining confidentiality of any investigations to those directly
We are committed to working with those who have suffered or suffer any form of abuse, offering
appropriate pastoral support where possible as well as to challenging any abuse of power, especially
where it involves someone in a position of trust.
We will manage risks and those who might pose a risk to the welfare of people and the life of the Church
and offer support to those known to pose a risk to children and/or adults, including supervision, referral to
the appropriate agencies, and implementation of safeguarding contracts, when appropriate.
We are committed to ensuring that any allegations, concerns and complaints about abuse or neglect that
we discover or suspect are recorded accurately, reported promptly and shared safely within and outside
the denomination.
We will review our safeguarding policy, practices and procedures annually, considering lessons learned
from safeguarding cases and changes in legislation, statutory guidance and good working practice.
We will ensure processes and practices in all aspects of safeguarding, including discipline, risk
management, whistleblowing and bullying/harassment in alignment with Good Practice 5 – United
Reformed Church’s Policy and Guidance in Safeguarding Children, Young People and Adults at Risk.